Langstone Ward Meeting Meeting 19th November: Notes

23 Nov

Notes of a meeting of the Langstone ward that took place at St John’s Hall, Chepstow Road, Langstone from 6.30pm on Tuesday 19 November 2013

– Celtic Manor resort: Sean Hannaby and Russell Phillips 
– NCC Council officers: Sheila Davies, Mark Hand, Lucy Jackson, 
– Police: Sergeant Bull, PCSO Dan Morgan,Community Safety Warden(CSW) 
– Local councillors, Mogford and Atwell
– 20 residents

Cllr Atwell, as chairman, introduced and explained that this was the first such meeting in two years

1. Update by Police and residents questions:
There have been 74 calls to the police in Langstone this month. Police classify crime in Langstone as very low. Detection rates are produced a month in arrears.
· Traffic issue around Langstone primary school:
Speeding has been a particular issue – 20 mph speed limit not adhered to. There appears to be an attitude that school traffic should take priority. The issue has been raised with local councillors. Parking situation is also difficult, particularly in the evening when the road is blocked. Police have had the issue raised at previous meetings and have taken calls and are monitoring the situation. The police said they will ascertain what the issue is and will take action – education in the first instance and follow up action if necessary with enforcement. They will engage with highways too. Cllr Mogford confirmed that he will raise at the next governors meeting on Monday and will report back. Cllr Atwell said that when had been an issue previously, they worked with the children and that worked for a while so needs to be dealt with as an on-going issue. A list of suggestions was given to the police by a resident. Another resident asked if parents could be written to, explaining the problem – it was agreed to do this jointly between council and police. The new school car park is being well used. SD suggested that the traffic flow model could be drafted and shared with the parents – could be sent out through children.

· Identity Fraud:
A local case is currently being investigated by inland revenue – a resident asked whether the police would be interested in it from a property perspective. Resident was asked to contact local police with more information when available.

· CSW feedback:
CSW have had five calls to Langstone since August. Dog fouling particular issue they are called out for and fly tipping. Fixed penalty notices have been issued to dog walkers and many talked to. CSW can be contacted via NCC website and 656656.

· The motorway (Coldra) roundabout:
Concerns raised about the right of way. Cllr Atwell explained that the trees have been cut back so that the signage is clearer. The white lines are an issue for highways agency – cllr Atwell said that he would take up the issue of the lines and the traffic management. Residents were informed by the police that if they take registration number and are prepared to give evidence, matters can be pursued. It was suggested by a resident that the meadow land that has been planted interfered with visibility and was dangerous. Cllr Atwell said that he would raise with Highways/Streetscene. Police said they would find out how busy the police at the Coldra are.
Police left the meeting being thanked for their work.
2. Sheila Davis made a presentation about the future of council services in Newport.
3. Shaun Hannaby made a presentation about the development of a ten year master plan for the Celtic Manor Resort presentation Councillor Attwell invited general questions
4. Issues and Questions from residents
i. Raw sewerage is flooding from the local pumping station near Stockwood View. Every 4-6 months the pump stops and NCC, as key holder, re-sets the pump. Sewerage is flooding into a local pond, the resident’s drive and children’s nursery. Local solicitor has been liaising between Welsh Water and NCC. Cllr Atwell provided update. He has contacted Welsh Water and has been working with them since August. NCC no longer has the keys (mislaid) but Welsh Water have been able to reopen the cabinet and inspect some months ago. Sheila Davies agreed to contact Helen Wilkie and Martin Coombes(NCC) to arrange for  it to be tackled first thing tomorrow. Cllr Mogford and Atwell agreed to meet with resident on site tomorrow morning
ii. Question about the current bus arrangements in the city centre: they will be revised with the Friars Walk development.
iii. Future cuts in council budgets, particularly to weed spraying – what will the community councils be able to do to assist? Sheila Davis – community councils could arrange some of this work and has tax raising powers. Weed killers used are not as powerful as they used to be.
iv. Planning application for wind turbine – community council haven’t been informed about it – not notified. Mark Hand said that they should have been informed and apologised. He will investigate. Request for planning consultation to be extended – Mark Hand agreed that this could happen. Cllr Atwell made the meeting aware that an application had been received today for solar panels.
5. Date of next meeting

Cllr Atwell confirmed that a date in March 2014 would be identified for the next Ward meeting..


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